Speaking of Domenico Pinto as a ceramic decorator, a hairpin or for his ability to cook a ceramic piece is easy and obvious, because his workshop is full of quality works. I, on the other hand, want to highlight the aspect of the curiosity with which it stands before historical facts and figures. By now everyone knows the passion and love that he feeds for Emperor Frederick II of Swabia.
When I go to his workshop he asks me, in front of the smug look of his daughter Paola, now his working companion, the results of the international and national conferences concerning Frederick II.
Here he is ready to create the sculptures of Frederick, a politician, humanist, scientist, his castles, his women, his court, his horses and knights, his falcons, his clothes, the son Manfredi (blond was beautiful and kind of appearance), the historical figure of the minister Pier delle Vigne (I am the one who held both the keys of the heart of Frederick...).
Among his clients there are people of culture who stop to discuss with him the deeds of Frederick, he is always ready to receive and give news about the historical character.